What has been passed down
Ricotta di Bufala Campana PDO has ancient origins, dating back to the fourteenth century, when the buffalo arrived in central-southern Italy. Since then, the production of buffalo ricotta and buffalo mozzarella has been closely linked. More detailed information can be found in the monograph of 1859 by Achille Bruni, “Del latte e dei suoi derivati”. Today it is the object of attention and enhancement of the product. An important historiographic research accompanied by an extensive bibliography entitled “HISTORICAL MEMORY AND GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION” on the introduction of the buffalo in Campania and the transformation of its milk speaks of the Italian buffalo, descended from the Indian buffalo, arrived in Italy in the eighth century following the barbaric hordes, which in the Balkan areas had inserted it in their economy. The buffalos in their penetration on the national soil have encountered better environmental conditions in the south of Italy, corresponding to their habitat.

What has been passed down
Ricotta di Bufala Campana PDO has ancient origins, dating back to the fourteenth century, when the buffalo arrived in central-southern Italy. Since then, the production of buffalo ricotta and buffalo mozzarella has been closely linked. More detailed information can be found in the monograph of 1859 by Achille Bruni, “Del latte e dei suoi derivati”. Today it is the object of attention and enhancement of the product. An important historiographic research accompanied by an extensive bibliography entitled “HISTORICAL MEMORY AND GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION” on the introduction of the buffalo in Campania and the transformation of its milk speaks of the Italian buffalo, descended from the Indian buffalo, arrived in Italy in the eighth century following the barbaric hordes, which in the Balkan areas had inserted it in their economy. The buffalos in their penetration on the national soil have encountered better environmental conditions in the south of Italy, corresponding to their habitat.

Between the X and the XI century the phenomenon of swamping developed in the areas between Mondragone and Volturno.
The buffalo ricotta, moreover, associated with Mozzarella and other dairy products is in a cookbook published in 1570 by Bartolomeo Scappi chef of the Papal Court where specialties from all over Italy and Europe “…head of milk, fresh butiro, ricotta flower, fresh mozzarella and milk snow…” At the time, moreover, with buffalo milk were also produced provole, cheeses for longer storage. More detailed information can be found in the monograph of 1859 by Achille Bruni, “Del latte e dei suoi derivati” published in the New Agrarian Encyclopedia, describing in summary how the Ricotta di Bufala was then produced: “After milking the milk and pouring it into the vat, put the kid’s rennet in it; and after having congealed with the wooden spatula it is cut into large pieces. Then, with a wooden dickuliera, the whey is removed and boiled to obtain the ricotta.”

Between the X and the XI century the phenomenon of swamping developed in the areas between Mondragone and Volturno.
The buffalo ricotta, moreover, associated with Mozzarella and other dairy products is in a cookbook published in 1570 by Bartolomeo Scappi chef of the Papal Court where specialties from all over Italy and Europe “…head of milk, fresh butiro, ricotta flower, fresh mozzarella and milk snow…” At the time, moreover, with buffalo milk were also produced provole, cheeses for longer storage. More detailed information can be found in the monograph of 1859 by Achille Bruni, “Del latte e dei suoi derivati” published in the New Agrarian Encyclopedia, describing in summary how the Ricotta di Bufala was then produced: “After milking the milk and pouring it into the vat, put the kid’s rennet in it; and after having congealed with the wooden spatula it is cut into large pieces. Then, with a wooden dickuliera, the whey is removed and boiled to obtain the ricotta.”