
Thank you for thinking of contacting the Consorzio Ricotta di Bufala Campana.
Are you a cheesemaker, an employee of the chain, a fan of the Ricotta di Bufala Campana PDO?
We are ready to satisfy any curiosity and information, write us or call us, we will be happy to get in touch with you.

Consorzio Tutela Ricotta di Bufala Campana PDO

Contacts information

  • Reggia di Caserta – Regie Cavallerizze
    Via Gasparri, 1 – 81100 Caserta (Ce) Italy

  • Phone +39 0823 424780
    Fax +39 0823 452782


  • Opening hours
    Monday – Thursday
    (08.30-13.30) (14.30-17.00)
    (08.30-13.30) (14.30-16.30)

Where we are

Consorzio Tutela Ricotta di Bufala Campana PDO

  • Reggia di Caserta – Regie Cavallerizze
    Via Gasparri, 1 – 81100 Caserta (Ce) Italy

  • Phone +39 0823 424780
    Fax +39 0823 452782


  • Opening hours
    Monday – Thursday
    (08.30-13.30) (14.30-17.00)
    (08.30-13.30) (14.30-16.30)

Where we are

Doubts, questions, curiosities, reports? Write us!

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